National Association of Really F&*ked Up Situations!

Romney is a Jerk

There. I said it. I think Romney is a Jerk. He is running for president, the top governemnt job, but it is obvious he has done everything he can to avoid paying for the government. He has amassed something close to 102 million dollars in his IRA by apparently putting stock in it that was severely undervalued. The reason, to avoid paying taxes. Avoid paying for the very thing he now whats to be head of.


Obama Care Legal?

If congress can force you into the army during a war, shouldn't they be able to fine you if you don't get health insurance? For the good of the nation and all of that.


There are no bullies in College

My daughter, who is 10, has had a few issues with subtle bullying at her elementary school. Things involving one particular clique where this one group of girls play tricks to let her know that she isn't welcome. In one instance, these girls asked to meet her out at the far area of the playground. When my daughter got there, they all ran off, leaving her alone. Pretty tame, but still not too nice.

Conservative Old People

On NPR tonight they mentioned they were interviewing Old People.... well people older than 65, and many of them said they were angry at the current government. And most of them identified themselves "Conservative". Great.

One point though. If you are an old person that voted for George W. Bush, even once, you should shut the hell up, and only be angry at yourself.


Productivity Gains going to the Top 1%

Occupy Wall Street

I have been giving a lot of thought to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement and the more I think about it, the more I think they have a point, especially if you stare long enough at all the economic numbers dealing with unemployment, income growth, and distribution of wealth. But as my brain was absorbing the recent data showing that for the wealthiest one percent of the population average after-tax household income grew by 275% compared with just 18% for the poorest 20%, I suddenly thought of Star Trek.

Liberal or Conservative. Which views are better for America?

Liberal or Conservative. Who's more right or to put it better, which views would create a better future for our country.

But first, I don't believe Liberals and conservatives are opposites at all. I think both sides really want the best for our country and share similar values. Both want safe streets, working sewers, honest government, great schools and most importantly, efficient spending of their hard earned tax dollars.

I also don't think either side enjoys paying taxes, or at least excessive taxes.


Conspiracy Theories

Birthers, and I'm sure most have heard this term by now, are groups of people who think that Obama should not be president as he is not an American citizen. This is not about any bias they claim, rather its the principle and about our constitution.

Intelligent, Conservative Talk Radio

I recently did a little listening on a local talk radio station. They have a little tag line that runs: "Conservative, Intelligent, Talk Radio".

It is not, of course, intelligent, but it's business model is. In fact its absolutely brilliant. I only realized this after listening to the Mike Gallagher show and the advertising.


Health Care Debate

Just a thought on the health care debate. I notice its not being called a “government takeover of health care”.

My thought is that anyone currently on a health care system created by a “government takeover of health care” and who is opposed to this reform, should give up their government health care benefits. This would be anyone on Medicare and anyone on the federal plans as well. It seems only fair.

What the Tea Party has Right (and Wrong)

The Tea Party (and its not a party, its a movement) has been gathering steam. They are upset about how things are currently going. They have a lot right, but unfortunately, they have a lot wrong as well.

At its heart, the movement is a conservative movement, wanting low taxes, small government and personal responsibility. All of these are reasonable. The issue is that the movement is over simplistic.



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